Our philosophy to eCommerce Pay-Per-Click strategies is "it depends". We like to get to know our clients and their business goals to come up with a custom strategy that helps achieve these goals.

Other PPC agencies may be focused on one metric or goal when it comes to your eCommerce campaigns, and that could be in conflict with your business goals. For instance, if your business is focusing on aggressive growth for the year but your agency is focused on a high return on advertising spend (an efficiency metric), your goals will be working against each other. That is why we believe it is important to learn your business goals first before settling on a paid advertising strategy.

That being said, one strategy we would never consider is automating all of your Google Ads shopping campaigns. Although "smart" campaigns can be helpful when used sparingly and in compliment to normal shopping campaigns, we will not use "smart" campaigns exclusively in any account.


Pay-Per-Click Shopping campaigns are the bread and butter for most eCommerce ad accounts. They use the shopping feed to show images and attributes of your products to interested searchers. Although the platforms are continually pushing automation in this area, we believe that for most companies, the human touch is still the way to go - that's the blue ox in us!

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Your shopping feed is the most important piece of your PPC shopping campaigns. Since keywords are not utilized in shopping campaigns, the product shopping feed is what platforms, such as Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising, use to match up the user's search intent with your product. Optimizing the feed's title, product category, descriptions, etc. will make sure you are showing up for the right searches at the right time and help structure your account to maximize your shopping campaign performance.

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Dynamic Remarketing uses your product feed and tracking on your site to show ads to users who have viewed your products, added them to the shopping cart, viewed similar products, bought complimentary products, etc. It's available not only on Google and Microsoft but also many social media sites including Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest. The options and uses of dynamic remarketing are vast. Are you using this campaign type to the fullest?

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